
Start your DevOps Journey with Stackolater

Our Full DevOps concierge service will allow you to have a complete reliable CI/CD solution that will provide you the stability and security you need. We will work with you to produce a secure and scalable platform on AWS for your startup's application development. Stackolater is in private BETA.

According to Google Cloud and DORA

Top 20% DevOps Performers are 200 times faster at delivery!

"The top 20% of companies are gaining a competitive advantage by implementing rigorous DevOps practices."

"Elite performers have 208 times more frequent software deployments"

"The highest performing DevOps teams were 24 times more likely than low performers to execute on the full capabilities of cloud."

"..we see that given the opportunity, high performers choose useful and usable tools, and these kinds of tools improve productivity."

Where are you on your Devops Journey?

Does your development organization deliver business value rapidly at the pace your product organization needs it?

Are you overspending on Cloud services?

Can you test features and new services on-demand on production-like environments?

Is your Cloud Infrastructure robust, secure and scalable?

Stackolater provides you With

The orchestration tooling to rapidly deploy your cloud infrastructure on-demand.

The tools to control your cloud spend by turning cloud resources on and off on-demand or to a schedule.

Genuine on-demand environments provisioned via a convenient web interface or Slack.

A suite of industry-leading stacks that are robust, secure and scalable.

You're in great company.

See what our clients say about us

At Nudj, we had aspirations to move our product over to AWS to take advantage of their industry-leading services. The more manual setup we had was great to kick us off but was slowly proving problematic to scale and difficult to keep up the quality of service, especially with the arrival of GDPR. Due to our team size and resource constraints, we kept putting off the move as it seemed too daunting a commitment to take on; both in terms of expertise and costs. We discovered Stack-o-Later was the perfect resolution to our worries. It enabled us to get a custom stack up and running far quicker than we would have been able to on our own. SoL's inbuilt industry best practices, for architecture and security, helped us improve our product immensely. Crucially we now have a solution that scales and can now take advantage of Amazon's other services, such as Lambda, to further improve our product and reduce costs. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend SoL to other early-stage tech startups looking to transition their product from POC to production-ready, scalable and secure

Nick Collings - CTO at Nudj.

At Untapped, it is of prime importance that our Dev Ops is state of the art and that the security of our systems is second to none. With these objectives in mind, we went looking for a company that offers DevOps as a service. We have been working with Stakolator for the past 9 months. Stackolater has speedily transformed our DevOps and our cloud infrastructure so that it is ready for Penetration Testing - frequently a requirement for contractual engagement with Large financial institutions. What was for us only 9 months ago a worry has now become a technical feature that we are very proud of. Stakolator is setting the standards for really good DevOps in the cloud. Any company that wants to take this seriously should look at what is being done here.

Brendan O'Hara - Co-Founder